Product of the Month

Product of the month for February is

Lintbells Yumove Products

Lintbells provide an extensive range of products to help your animals with any
of their aliments. Instore you can find their Yumega to help any skin issues and
remove Joint supplements to aid dogs stiffness.
All their ingredients are ethically sourced, high quality and human grade.
The yumove Aadvance also comes with a 60 day money back guarantee if you
see no difference.

You can download the following “Product of the Month” discount offers:

Charlie, Sophie and Tim’s Story

Many thanks for the excellent care of gooming and washing my little Yorkies, a very organised and well run company, I am very pleased and happy with the staff who run the company, my thanks to you all, I will have them groomed and washed by you again, this is by far the best I have found for dogs, and they get the best treatment, my wife loves the way you groomed them. Thank you.